"For conspicuous gallantry and
intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as Commanding
Officer of the 1st Battalion, 24th Marines (Rein), 4th Marine Division, in action against
enemy Japanese forces during the assault on Namur Island, Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall
Islands, 1 and 2 February 1944.
Undaunted by severe fire from automatic Japanese weapons,
Lt. Col. Dyess launched a powerful final attack on the second day of the assault,
unhesitatingly posting himself between the opposing lines to point out objectives and
avenues of approach and personally leading the advancing troops. Alert, and determined to
quicken the pace of the offensive against increased enemy fire, he was constantly at the
head of advance units, inspiring his men to push forward until the Japanese had been
driven back to a small center of resistance and victory assured.
While standing on the
parapet of an antitank trench directing a group of infantry in a flanking attack against
the last enemy position, Lt. Col. Dyess was killed by a burst of enemy machinegun fire.
His daring and forceful leadership and his valiant fighting spirit in the face of terrific
opposition were in keeping with the highest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service. He
gallantly gave his life for his country."