Lt. Col. Aquilla James "Jimmie" "Big Red" DYESS, USMC
Augusta Dedication Photos
Congressman Norwood addresses a crowd of over 200 people at the NMCRC Augusta dedication ceremony in honor of
LTCOL A. James Dyess, USMCR.
Photo by EN2 Woolfolk.
LTGEN John E. Rhodes, USMC addresses a crowd of over 200 people at the NMCRC Augusta dedication ceremony in honor of
LTCOL A. James Dyess, USMCR.
Photo by EN2 Woolfolk.
MAJGEN Perry Smith, USAF (RET) addresses a crowd of over 200 people at the NMCRC Augusta dedication ceremony in honor of
LTCOL A. James Dyess, USMCR.
Photo by EN2 Woolfolk.
Mrs. Connor Dyess Smith, daughter of LTCOL A. James Dyess and 1STSGT Occhipinti, Augusta I&I Staff, unveil the dedication plaque honoring LTCOL A. James Dyess.
Photo by EN2 Woolfolk.
From left to right: LTGEN Rhodes, Congressman Norwood and MAJGEN Perry Smith don NMCRC Augusta ballcaps at a reception following the LTCOL A. James Dyess dedication ceremony.
Photo by EN2 Woolfolk.
Plank Owners of the USS Dyess (DDR 880) were on hand at the dedication ceremony honoring
LTCOL A. James Dyess.
Photo by EN2 Woolfolk. (Plankowners are not pictured here, Joe Peters [left] and Lou Herouart [right])
MAJGEN Perry Smith, USAF(RET) arrives at the dedication ceremony honoring
LTCOL A. James Dyess at NMCRC Augusta, GA.
Photo by EN2 Woolfolk.
GEN Davis, USMC, 4th FSSG and Capt Halter, REDCOM Eight were on hand for the dedication ceremony in honor of
LTCOL A. James Dyess, USMCR.
Photo by EN2 Woolfolk.