I would like to dedicate this Web Site to all the United States Navy Men who sailed on the U.S.S. Dyess DD-DDR 880. To all of my shipmates; to all the men who first took her to sea; to all the men who last took her to sea, and the many lives she touched in-between. We all share in her memory, as she was a good ship, a beautiful ship. She was a Destroyer... the best in the fleet.
This Site started when and after I attended my first Dyess reunion in Crystal City, VA. 1997. Meeting the crew members and many of my shipmates brought back many memories, and seeing how excited these men were when speaking of their times and experiences aboard the Dyess, lit a spark to do something about preserving these memories for all to see and read about for a long, long time to come.
I looked into Naval History Sites on the World Wide Web and found many ships that had Web Pages. I finally located information about the Dyess. Launch date, and stricken date... that was it. Many other ship's pages (including ships we operated with) had histories, photos, stories, etc... I called my nephew Ernie Pomeroy, in Arizona. I knew he was involved with web sites and had computer savvy. I told him what I wanted to do. He volunteered his services, his time, his energy, of which I will always be grateful. I also know that when crew members view this site, they will also be grateful... Well done, Ernie!
The Dyess and her crew now have their own Web Site and she is no longer unknown, in fact, she lives again! This site is new and as time goes on, we will add more and more. Those of you not listed, just e-mail me or write me, and I will happily add you to this proud list of sailors.
I now respectfully submit to the U.S.S. Dyess and to all her crew members:
The Official USS DYESS WEB SITE... |