The United States Ship, DYESS, a 2400 ton Gearing Class Destroyer, was named for Lieutenant Colonel Aquilla James Dyess, U.S. Marine Corps. Reserve. The ship was authorized by Congress on July 19, 1940 and first tasted salt water on January 26, 1945 when she slid sideways down the launch in Orange, Texas. She was accepted by the Navy, and commissioned on May 21, 1945 as the U.S.S. DYESS DD 880, an all purpose fleet destroyer.
Author's Note: The following complete history of the DYESS is not a product of this Web Site creation. All the credit belongs to a Chief Petty Officer on the DYESS from 1955 to 1960. His name is Ralph J. Brown, Sr. Additions were bye Norm Willis (55 history)and Ed Sellers (67 Suez Canal history)
Thank you, Mr. Brown, Mr. Willis and Mr. Sellers
DYESS completed shake down training in July of 1945, receiving special radio equipment and anti-aircraft armament. After this modification, she was re-designated DDR-880, and became a Radar Picket Destroyer.
Although World War II had ended by the time the DYESS was ready for operations as a radar picket. She went on to serve a very distinguished career.
From 1945 through 1950, the U.S.S. DYESS took part in Post World War II operations; in training cruises which took her to Guamtanamo Bay and Calebra, Puerto Rico; acted as an escort for President Truman; joined the Fifth Fleet in Tokyo Bay and reported to the Sixth Fleet twice for duty in the "Med" (Mediterranean).
"From 1945 to 1950,the USS DYESS took part".....and ends...."duty in the Med (Mediterranean)" which included the Occupation of Trieste, 1947-50, for which the DYESS was awarded a bronze plaque prominently installed below its commissioning plaque for all to see. Today this plaque is maintained by the Naval History and Heritage Command. The words in bold face type are added for your consideration.
This next piece of history submitted by Jim Rice, BM3 '48-'52
In November of 1949, the DYESS entered into the Arctic Circle. The exact date was 11/12/49 Under the command of W.E. Wallace, Commander. The ship and crew at that time became Members of the Royal Order of the Blue Nose This occurs only to ships and crews that enter the Arctic Circle and enter the "Northern Domain of the Polar Bear". - Thanks Jim!
1950 saw the DYESS back in Portsmouth for an overhaul, and due to a reorganization of the Atlantic Fleet, she was assigned to Destroyer Flotilla FOUR and her home port was changed to Norfolk, Virginia. Due to operational commitments, DYESS was unable to take refresher training and she reported to the Sixth Fleet in the Med where she remained for six months. DYESS returned to the United States late in 1950 and remained in the Norfolk area for the holidays.
From 1951 through 1953 the U.S.S. DYESS took part in gunnery exercises, a Midshipman training cruise; joined the defending forces of Vice Admiral Felix B. Stump for Atlantic Fleet Exercises (LANTEFLEX ONE) -- the Navy's first simulated war games in over a year; reported for duty with the Sixth Fleet in the Med and for five months in late 1953, she was attached to Anti-Submarine Forces, U.S. Atlantic Fleet where she engaged in anti-submarine Hunter-Killer exercises and conducted amphibious training operations.
1954 saw the DYESS once again in the Med for five months. She then acted as a plane guard for the U.S.S. MIDWAY (CVA-41) for a period of five months until reporting to Norfolk for and extensive six month overhaul on her electronic equipment which was replaced by newer and more efficient equipment. She then reported to the Caribbean for refresher training.
"1954 saw the DYESS once again".....and ends....."She then reported to the Caribbean for refresher training". Suggest you substitute this second sentence in bold type - The spring of 1955 saw DYESS come out of the Portsmouth dry docks to berth at the Norfolk CE Piers, and shortly thereafter set course for the Caribbean, arriving at GITMO in April for crew refresher training. She visited several nice Caribbean ports of call before returning to Norfolk.
Summer of '55 saw DYESS again in the Med providing plane guard and radar picket duty for the historic and glorious aircraft carrier CV-11 INTREPID; participating in Six Fleet Air-Defense exercises which in this case brought a bit of praise to the Dyess and crew for her early detection of high flying "enemy" British aircraft. A week earlier, many will remember, while in a storm one night, trying to maintain a fleet formation course, the Dyess rolled to 52 degrees, as she was effectively broaching to. Captain Gibson requested relief from maintaining the course and it was granted. Word was if the ship rolled to 60 degrees, she may not come back. Before returning home in December 1955, DYESS had visited nine ports in the Med with options for tours to seven major cities, like Rome, Paris and Athens. Then continue the paragraph - "In 1956, she took part in the Atlantic Fleet's Winter Training".......
In 1955-56, she took part in the Atlantic Fleet's winter training program "Operation SPRINGBOARD"; plane guard duty; served as a flagship for Rear Admiral Frank Virdon, Commander Destroyer Flotilla SIX and participated in a two week Air-Defense Exercise off the Southern Atlantic Seaboard, her seventh Med cruise where due to an outbreak of hostilities, she and other units of the Sixth Fleet proceeded to the Suez area to assist in the evacuation of American Nationals.
Late 1956 through 1957, DYESS served duty with the Sixth Fleet in the Med, and then with the other units of the Sixth Fleet, she headed East as international tension mounted. She participated in NATO exercises "DEEPWATER" and "COUNTER-PUNCH". DYESS returned to the Sixth Fleet in December, 1957 after leave and repairs in Norfolk, where she joined TASK FORCE 60 for air defense, anti-submarine and fast carrier operations.
During 1958, U.S.S. DYESS took part in two operations. With the Second Fleet in Northern Europe, she participated for three months in LANTFLEX 1-58 which involved Float Training for Midshipmen of the U.S. Naval Academy and NROTC units; and for two months she participated in LANTFLEX 2-59, which involved a two phase air defense exercise in the Eastern Atlantic.
September of 1959 marked a change for the U.S.S. DYESS - she, along with her sister ships became part of Destroyer Squadron SIX, and she was assigned to DESDIV 6.
January of 1960 saw the DYESS preparing for a Med deployment and participation in LANTFLEX 1-60 with the Second Fleet, participating in two phases of an Air Defense Exercise designated BIG DEAL, before joining the Sixth Fleet to participate in NATO exercises, REGEX I and REGEX II.
October of 1960 through January 1961 she underwent an extensive overhaul during which she received long range air search radar.
Early 1962 found the DYESS again with the Sixth Fleet in the Med taking part in many Sixth Fleet and NATO exercises, including Operation CHECKMATE, ROYAL FLUSH V and BIG GAME, NATO air defense exercises with the French and British Navies. By March, she was back in the states in time to take part in a combined amphibious air defense exercise in the Caribbean.
1964 found the DYESS in South Carolina. She participated in type training exercises and then began a three week tender availability, which was to prepare her for her forthcoming overhaul and conversion in connection with the Fleet Rehabilitation and Modernization Program (FRAM).
During the FRAM availability, DYESS was converted from a radar picket to a general purpose destroyer with a primary mission of Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW). She received the most advanced detection and weapons systems in the area of ASW. All of her electronic equipment was replaced or overhauled and extensive machinery and piping repairs extended the life of her old but reliable propulsion plant. Her hull and structural foundation were carefully inspected and repaired. In all, $13,000,000.00 was spent in making DYESS a modern and effective unit of the fleet.
The early days of 1966 saw the crew of DYESS preparing for an impending deployment to the Western Pacific. After a change of Commanding Office, she was underway for a momentous seven month deployment to the waters of the South China Sea. There was a brief excursion for ASW exercise, and then DYESS, along with the other six ships of Destroyer Squadron TWELVE, plus the F. T. Berry (DD-658) formed up and headed south for Rodman, Balboa, by way of the Panama Canal.
After liberty in Panama City, several day of seasickness in the Gulf of Tehantepec, and a fuel stop in San Diego, the squadron turned west for Pearl Harbor. As the squadron neared Hawaii, radio distress circuits came alive with traffic; a small aircraft was out of fuel and about to ditch in the area. DYESS along with USS FISKE (DD-842) were detached to effect the rescue. The plane skimmed into the seas alongside the DYESS and sank 90 seconds later. Both the pilot and the navigator escaped and were brought aboard to DYESS' sick bay.
The remainder of the year saw the DYESS leave Subic Bay for operations in the South China Sea to conduct visual surveillance of Paracel Islands, carry out gunfire support operations in Danage Harbor and vicinity and functioned as a "TOMCAT" in the Tonkin Gulf.
During the assignment deep in the Tonkin Gulf, while serving as a gunship for the nuclear-powered missile ship USS BAINBRIDGE (DLG(N)-25), the DYESS took part in gunfire support in the III Corps area, from June 19 through July 1, 1966, which was clearly the most challenging assignment of the cruise. The following account is taken from a news story released soon after the event:
"DYESS' expended most of her rounds from positions up a shipping channel in the Lower Rung Sat area. Firing in support of search-and-clear operations by South Vietnamese army units in the Mekong Delta, her bombardment was coordinated with jet and helicopter strikes. She is the third destroyer to navigate the shallow tidal waters of the Saigon for gunfire support."
"DYESS' four five-inch guns were active around the clock. During the day they fired by direction of airborne spotters on Viet Cong supply and assembly areas, troop concentrations, gun emplacements and targets of opportunity as close aboard as 2000 yards. Spotters consistently reported excellent effect and outstanding coverage. At night the ship provided harassment and interdiction fire on area targets."
"Several times, DYESS was hastily summoned from her up-river positions to lend emergency support to South Vietnamese army troops attacking a large Viet Cong base camp twenty miles up the coast from Vung Tao.
With 185 rapid rounds, she destroyed or damaged six structures and several earthen emplacements, silenced ground fire directed at the spotter, and left an undetermined number of Viet Cong casualties."
Once the DYESS completed her assignment as gunfire support, she joined the rest of the squadron at Subic Bay and they all set sail for home by way of the Indian Ocean, the Suez Canal and the Mediterranean. She finally arrived home in Newport Mid-August. A crowd of approximately four thousand (4000) was there to greet the returning ships.
While returning home, the DYESS received word that she had placed second in squadron-wide competition for fiscal year 1966, just behind the squadron flagship USS DAVIS (DD-937). DYESS' supply department finished first in the squadron competition, her weapons department second.
DYESS was involved in two unusual activities during the world cruise. For the greater part of the deployment, Beachjumper Unit Two was attached to her; however, the electronics-intelligence operations of the beachjumpers were conducted entirely independently of the ship's activities, and the ship had no operational control over the unit. Also, during March and early April, two South Vietnamese naval officers, Ensigns Pham Van Diem and Vo Ming Dang, rode DYESS to observe the operations of an American Warship.
The arrival in Newport started a long-awaited five-week period of leave and upkeep. As the end of the in-port period approached, it became apparent that the ship's evaporators, who erratic performance in the Pacific had frequently inconvenienced the crew (although they did not cause the ship to miss any operational commitments) were not going to be ready for the sea by the scheduled sailing date.
The beginning of 1967 found DYESS in Boston undergoing repairs on her main evaporator. After several unsatisfactory sea trials, she was finally read for sea once more and sailed to her homeport. After her 1966 Viet Nam deployment, and the months of being in port, DYESS had gone through an extensive turnover of personnel; due to this, the ship was slated to go through two weeks of exercises and training called Operation SPRINGBOARD, which was to weld the diverse crew into a team which was capable of carrying out the many and diverse missions that a FRAM I destroyer is directed to perform. SPRINGBOARD was outstanding in every respect. During exercises with a submarine, USS CUTLASS (SS-78), the DYESS scored seven torpedo hits, three of which were ASROC shots. Although DYESS had marginal reliability with fire control and electronic equipment during parts of the cruise, due to inexperienced ET's and FT's, excellent assistance was provided by the destroyer tenders SIERRA and YELLOWSTONE.
DYESS returned to Newport April 4, where she picked up a DESRON TWELVE ORI team and spent the day in the Narragansett Bay operating area. The ship returned to port with a 93.89 score to end an arduous, but very productive cruise.
The problems with the evaporators had put the ship behind in more than one area. The next month would be very hectic and frustrating for the ship. She now faced her annual administrative inspection, an INSURV inspection and POM for the forthcoming Mediterranean deployment. Evan though there was a reduction in personnel due to pre-deployment leave, all was accomplished by the sailing date. On May 4, DYESS with her Squadron 12 sister ships joined the USS SARATOGA (CVA-60) and other ships from Norfolk and Charleston for a ten-day transit to Gibraltar.
DYESS was designated drone control ship for the task group and carried a detachment of personnel, including an OIC and a team of operators and repair technicians aboard, as well as 13 propeller-driven drones to be used as targets for anti-aircraft warfare drills. Many hours were well-spent flying and firing at the little orange attackers and then recovering them to be flown again. DYESS was the only ship of the transit group to splash a drone, and as a result received the coveted "Long Rifle" award.
Mid-May found DYESS in Izmir, Turkey. She was sent there as part of a "flag-showing" mission. This was to be the first of many diplomacy mission for the DYESS during the deployment. DYESS carried out several diplomatic services while there, and to crown the visit a success, she fired a 21-gun Memorial Day salute on May 30 and departed. A brief fuel stop at Iskenderun, Turkey was scheduled, but a series of unexpected events were soon to unfold. On the night of May 30, a message of distress was received from a disabled 40-foot civilian sloop in heavy seas to the southeast of Rhodes, Greece.
DYESS altered her course, slightly and increased speed to attempt to locate the small craft. In the early morning hours, DYESS found the sloop ATLANTIS, with her crew of 1 man and 1 woman, took her in tow and proceeded northeast towards Rhodes. Later in the day, another Squadron Twelve ship, MASSEY (DD-778) relieved DYESS of her tow in order for her to meet her commitments on time.
After a fuel stop at Iskenderun, DYESS proceeded to Port Said, Suez Canal. As she entered the canal on June 3, there was a surprise at the greeting received from the UAR (United Arab Republic) citizens along the banks. It was known that there was tension between the UAR and Israel, but it was felt that the "flag-showing" missions were far removed from expressions of hostilities.
No incidents marred the transit although protesters followed the ship in boats wherever they could and shouted jeers from the banks along the canal. On June 5, DYESS received word that military objectives along the canal had been bombed by Israel and that she had been cut off from the Sixth Fleet only nine hours after completing the transit.
In June 1967 at the time of the Six-Day War. The dates we are not sure of but we entered the Suez Canal the day before the war started at Port Said at the northern end. We had to wait 12 hours until evening. Once the pilots and their associated gear were on board, we went to sea and anchor detail for transit. A super tanker was behind us. Behind that, the Egyptians were sinking ships and effectively closing the canal. It takes approximately 12 hours to transit the canal and we didn’t find out until later that during that time, the war had started and the Israelis were bombing strategic areas.
We were in the Red Sea/Persian Gulf area for almost 9 months. Our temporary home port was Bahhrain where, at that time, the British had a base. The flag ship for Com-Mid East Force was converted sea plane tender called the USS Valcour (AVP-55). During our time in theater ship fueling was a challenge. The British refuel astern. A hose from the oiler is thrown off its stern and the receiving ships use a grapnel hook to retriev it, then refueling commences.
We and our sister ship, the USS Fiske (DD-842), were detached early and reassigned to escort the USS Forrestal (CV-59) back home to Mayport, Florida. That was after she had the accident and fire in Tonkin Gulf. As mentioned, it was a long trip home. Once the escort assignment was completed, we still had to sail on to our home port of Newport, Rhode Island.
I might mention as well that we had both marines and sailors from the carrier on board. That was to make it easier and cheaper for those going on leave upon the arrival north of the Mason-Dixon Line not to have to travel as far. The Forrestal had embarked some of our sailors for the same reason, but south of the Mason-Dixon Line.
DYESS was to have relieved USS KENNEDY (DD-850) but that ship was retained in MIDEASTFORCE due to the suddenness and intensity of the Suez War. DYESS was directed to proceed to a station east of Massawa, Ethiopia, shortly after a fuel stop, to be ready if needed to evacuate American citizens or to protect U.S. and allied interests. While on station off of Yemen on June 9, DYESS' sailors awakened to the sound of general quarters. A UAR minesweeper approached the ship, which was patrolling just outside Yemen's 12 mile limit, and warned DYESS outside that country's territorial waters. Soon after, a UAR motor torpedo boat approached the ship at high speed, circled the ship, and departed with the minesweeper.
The man made storm having passed considerably, DYESS proceeded to Massawa to relieve the KENNEDY and then on to Bahrain Island in the Persian Gulf. Although Bahrain was far from being and ideal liberty spot, it was the best of all the Mid-East ports the DYESS saw.
Results of various inspections and fleetwide competitions were received during the deployment. Some of the highlights:
- First runner-up for the Sqadron 12 "E" award for the second year in a row.
- Best supply Department in Desron 12 for the third year in a row.
- Highest scorer among the Atlantic Fleet FRAM destroyers in competition for the Ney award.
- Annual administrative inspection - 91.1
- Operational readiness inspection - 93.89
- One of two destroyers in the Atlantic Fleet to pass the INSURV material inspection for Fiscal Year 1967.
- Navy Technical Proficiency Inspection - 92.5
- Medical Department inspection - Excellent
The rest of the year was uneventful for the DYESS. From October 21 through November 9, DYESS served as an ASW school ship and performed duties as ready duty surveillance ship at Key West, Florida. After returning to port in November, DYESS spent the rest of the month in upkeep and TAV alongside the destroyer tender, YOSEMITE (AD-19), before offloading ammunition at Earle, New Jersey and entering the Boston Naval Shipyard for overhaul on December 19.
The first four months of 1968 found the USS DYESS in the shipyard for a Regular Overhaul. The work was hampered by the extreme cold weather, but it progressed only slightly behind schedule, and in late April DYESS got underway for her sea trials. On April 24, she successfully completed her sea trials, headed back to Boston to disembark shipyard workers, and at 19:43 local time, the DYESS went aground while entering Boston Harbor. She re-entered the shipyard that night for dry-docking and repairs.
The repairs took about a month, and on May 27, DYESS once again got underway for sea trials. After completion of the sea trials, she disembarked her shipyard workers at the entrance to Boston Harbor and got underway to the Naval Ammunition Depot for ammunition load-out, and then to home base for refresher training.
On June 8, she left Newport for Refresher Training at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, but before the training could begin, a short circuit in the sonar burned out a vital cable run, and the ship's sonar was out of commission for most of the training period. By the time it was finally restored, DYESS had only two days of preparation for her ORI in ASW.
On July 29, after only seven hours of training with the USS TRUTTA (SS-421) DYESS became the first destroyer in two and a half months to pass the ASW ORI at Guantanamo Bay. On July 30, she passed her Battle Problem, successfully completing her Refresher Training.
Two days later on August 1, while qualifying in gunfire support, she shot the following scores: Z-40-G (95); Z-42-G (87); and Z-44-G (87). DYESS then returned to Newport for one month of Preparation of Overseas Movement.
September 5 found DYESS departing Newport for a five month Mediterranean deployment with DESDIV 122. Joined by COMDESRON 22 and other units from Norfolk and Mayport, the ships chopped to Sixth Fleet outside Gibraltar and Proceeded to turn over anchorage at Pollensa Bay, Mallorca.
From there, DYESS headed to Valletta, Malta for the first of five visits during the deployment.
On September 25, after a week in Valletta's Grand Harbor, she headed for a two day Commander's Conference in Argostoli Bay, Greece, and on October 1 and 2 was formally welcomed into Task Force 60.2.
During DYESS' visit to Venice, Italy, the ship hosted COMCRUDESLANT, RADM Van ARSDALL and COMCRUDESFLOT SIX, RADM HEALEY for a luncheon. Since the DYESS was the only U.S. warship in Venice at the time (October 8-14) she was visited by more than 600 Venetians.
While planeguarding USS FORESTAL for night flight operations two days after leaving Venice, DYESS played a principal part in a search and rescue operation following the crash of one of FORRESTAL's E2A aircraft. A helicopter from FORRESTAL picked on man out of the water while DYESS rescued another, LTJG. F.J. Fredericks, the aircraft's Radar Intercept Officer.
DYESS' first major exercise of the deployment was PHILBEX 5-69. The exercise lasted from October 25 through October 30. They completed a variety of tasks. The Amphibious Objective Area was Port Scudo, Sardinia, and DYESS' first task was screening the amphibious force during the transit from Valletta. She then participated in the D-Day firing at dawn before rejoing the screening units in a patrolling ASW barrier in front of the beachhead. After PHIBLEX, it was back to Valetta for Tender Availability from November 2 through November 14.
The next week, November 19-23, found DYESS playing a bizarre game of hide and seek as an Orange Force CLGM for EXERCISE NATIONAL WEEK. With her gun mounts painted orange, hull numbers painted over, and deceptive lighting rigged, she kept the BLUE FORCES guessing for two days before she was located, by accident, by USS BASILONE (DD-824).
BASILONE turned surveillance of DYESS over to USS CONYNGHAM (DDG-17), and on the midwatch of the last night of the exercise, with all four boilers on the line, DYESS made a full-power dash that left the CONYNGHAM falling farther behind every minute. On the morning of November 23, the ship fired her imaginary cruise missiles at USS INDEPENDENCE (CVA-62) and USS FORRESTAL (CVA-59).
DYESS headed for liberty point in Palma de Mallorca where she spent the week of November 25 through December 2 preparing for a visit to the Black Sea. On the last day in port, COMDESRON 22 and staff embarked, and the ship got underway. On December 7, after and overnight fuel stop at Souda Bay, Crete, DYESS got underway with USS TURNER (DD-834) for the Black Sea. DYESS and TURNER composed Task Force 68 with COMESDRON 22 assuming the duties of CTF 68.
The Black Sea operation was a much publicized operation and vigorously condemned by the Soviet Union. Yet the operation was a routine one, and the ships of TF 68 stayed well within international waters for the entire three day period they were there. While the ships were in the Black Sea, both were under constant surveillance by Soviet naval and air units, but without incident. Upon completion of the cruise, TURNER was detached after exiting the Dardanelles and TF 68 was deactivated when DYESS made another fuel stop at Souda Bay on December 13.
DYESS was employed as a combination ASW/AAW screening unit for USS FORRESTAL (CVA-59) from December 19-21, during EXERCISE LAFAYETTE 2-69. FORRESTAL's mission was to launch air strikes against defended French land targets. ASW action was minimal because the attack carrier group spent most of the exercise steaming at high speeds.
December 25 saw the DYESS anchored at Golfe Juan on the French Riviera for the Christmas Holiday period.
USS DYESS spent the beginning of 1970 in Modified CADRE status in her homeport. In this status, the ship was limited to training and maintenance evolutions not involving underway operations exceeding 48 hours. Personnel in critical rates were reduced to a level permitting a one section steaming watch. DYESS remained in this status until March 1.
The time from March 2-4 was spent preparing the ship for the upcoming Northern European Deployment.
The ship was assigned a restricted availability for major boiler repairs from February until March 20 and a pre-deployment tender availability alongside USS PUGET SOUND (AD-38) from March 2 until March 19. This period was primarily used to perform major engineering and electronic repair and overhaul, and to train the ship's crew for the upcoming deployment. In conjunction with this, the following days in April were spent at sea: 6-7; 9-12; 23-24, and the 27-28th. The ship spent April 8 in Norfolk for engineering voyage repairs.
On May 5, DYESS got underway from Newport for the transit to Lisbon, Portugal as a unit of Task Group 83.1, commanded by Rear Adm. Tazwell Sheppard, Jr. in USS WASP (CVS-18), in company with USS FISKE (DD-842), USS GARCIA (DE-1040), USS FORREST SHERMAN (DD-931) and the USS EDWARD MCDONNELL (DE-1043). The period May 5-24 was spent in transit and in ASW training. On May 25, she moored in Lisbon, and remained there through June 1.
The DYESS next participated in Operation Night Patrol from June 2 unitl June 8. This was a NATO operation involving foreign as well as American ships. DYESS acted as an anti-submarine escort ship for USS WASP (CVS-18) and USS MARIAS (AO-57) under Commander Task Force 404. After the conclusion of this operation, DYESS visited Rota, Spain on the 9th and 10th of June, then transited to Bremen, Germany arriving June 19. She got underway from Bremen on June 27 to arrive in Brest, France on July 1 for a pre-exercise briefing with the French Navy.
July 2 through 5 were spent conducting ASW exercises with the USS FISKE (DD-842) and the FS MAILE BREZE (D-627)
After completion of joint anti-submarine exercises, DYESS visited a series of liberty ports. July 6-8 were spent in Plymouth, England; July 10-14 in London, England; July 16-20 in Rotterdam, Netherlands; and July 22-25 in Aberdeen, Scotland. DYESS then spent July 26 through August 4 conducting anti-submarine warfare operations in company with USS WASP (CVS-18) before entering Faslane, Scotland for a port visit from August 5 through August 10.
DYESS was again underway for type training from August 11-19 before visiting Bergen, Norway from August 20-25. The ship then transited to Le Havre, France, arriving August 28 and departing September 7 for another port visit. DYESS then transited for an operational visit to Faslane, Scotland from September 10-13 for a briefing on the upcoming Operation Northern Wedding.
During the dates of September 14-27, DYESS participated in a major NATO exercise, Operation Northern Wedding, as a screening ship to HMS ARK ROYAL and other main body units.
The ship was a unit of Task Force 401 and provided anti-submarine protection for the attack carrier striking force. After a stop in Greencock, Scotland on September 28, DYESS sailed for Newport in company of USS PAGE (DEG-5), USS FISKE (DD-842), USS MARIAS (AO-57) and USS FOREST SHERMAN (DD-931) arriving on October 8.
As one of the primary missions of this deployment, besides anti-submarine warfare, was to promote good relations with our European Allies, DYESS conducted an extensive Public Relations Program. Ship visits, press briefings, receptions and official calls were made all in ports visited by DYESS.
Upon returning to Newport, DYESS entered a post-deployment leave period lasting until November 8th. The ship was then assigned a tender availability alongside the USS PUGET SOUND (AD 38) from November 9 through 23 and restricted availability in Newport for major boiler repair work from November 23 through December 31.
The year 1972 began for the officers and men of the DYESS with local operations in the New York and Narragansett Bay operation areas. DYESS, which had been selected to represent Destroyer Squadron TWENTY-EIGHT on a Naval Reserve cruise to the Mediterranean deployment but also for an extensive period of training and readiness qualifications at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
On February 13, DYESS commenced a tender availability (TAV) with USS PUGET SOUND (AD 38) in Newport as well as continuing the training that was to prove so important in the months to come.
On the return transit to Brooklyn, her homeport, DYESS conducted ASW exercises with two submarines for approximately 30 hours.
After spending two weeks in port, DYESS got underway on March 13, for Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, stopping enroute at the Naval Ammunition Depot, to onload ASROC missiles and ASW torpedoes. During the transit, problems were experienced with the main propulsion plant necessitating a stop at the U.S. Naval Station in Mayport, Florida for tender assistance. Two days later the DYESS was underway again.
Arriving in Guantanamo Bay, refresher training started immediately, but engineering problems began to handicap the ship's training effectiveness. With the exception of a few exercises, DYESS satisfactorily completed all training requirements and qualified in Naval Gunfire Support on April 28. From there, DYESS returned to ther homeport and commenced a period of leave and upkeep.
Mid-May, DYESS underwent an Operational Readiness Inspection (ORI) which was conducted by the THIRD Naval District's Reserve Underway Training Unit, and on May 22, she was underway for Newport for a tender availability; which would be her last one before deploying for the Mediterranean area. Upon completion of the tender availability on June 13, DYESS returned to her homeport to embark reservists and deploy.
On June 17, DYESS proceeded independently to Bermuda to rendezvous with the USS STRONG (DD 758) and then to transit to the Atlantic. While enroute, DYESS experienced problems with the main propulsion plant, but both ships arrived safely at Rota, Spain on June 27.
From Rota, the two ships then proceeded to Golfe Juan, France for their first port of call, but DYESS' engineering plant experienced major problems in the feed water system.
Unfortunately, the engineering problems started a chain of events which resulted in server engineering casualties which made it necessary for DYESS to steam to Naples, Italy for tender assistance. Extent of the problems was such that DYESS was required to stay in Naples from July 6 through August 10.
The repairs were completed on Augst 22 and DYESS began transit to CONUS, stopping in Spain, Punta del Gada Azores and Hamilton, Bermuda. She returned to Brooklyn on September 9, and began an immediate stand-down period for leave and upkeep.
October saw DYESS ready to fulfill her mission and she got underway with the reserve protion of her crew embarked to conduct training. During the next three months, she also underwent tender availability in Newport.
In the middle of December, while proceeding to sea to provide services to the Submarine Force, the DYESS experienced vacuum problems with the after engineering plant and was forced to return to port. Repairs of these problems forced the ship to remain in port the remainder of the year.
Throughout 1972, DYESS fired a total of 269 rounds of 5"/38 ammunition and one torpedo.
As 1973 began, DYESS was moored port side to pier Charlie, Ex-New York Naval Shipyard. Since the ship was designed and built to hunt and destroy submarines, her purpose as a unit of DESRON TWENTY-EIGHT as to train reserve officers and men to carry out the various evolutions expected of a DD 710 destroyer.
DYESS' crew at any time during the year, ranged from green, inexperienced men, to seasoned, knowledgeable, and professional sailors. Everyone received the training necessary to become or remain professionals in their jobs. Nucleus crew as well as reserves profited from these training sessions which usually occurred on a monthly basis.
Early February, DYESS began a thirteen week restricted availability for the purpose of converting to Navy Distillate fuel. At the same time, some habitability improvements were made to messing and berthing areas.
The fuel conversions took weeks longer than the originally scheduled month and a half. The delay was caused by difficulty in obtaining needed parts and by unforeseen problems that arose after the conversion started. Due to the DYESS' thirty year age, and the constant use of the more viscous NSFO, leaks in pipes and tanks were found that had not been apparent with NSFO, but would allow the Navy Distillate to leak through.
Long hours and hard work ensured that DYESS would operate safely as well as efficiently after her conversion. On May 10, the fuel conversion was completed. Cruises during the remainder of the year were to prove that the job had been well done.
On May 16, the ship got underway for tender availability, in Newport. During her transit, sounding and security discovered a 1/4 hole of the reefer decks below the water line.
Arrangements were made to have the hole repaired in Floating Dry-dock (AFDM-7) which was located in Melville Landing, Newport. Wile she was dry-docked, a lateral crack was discovered in the hull beneath main control. DYESS was in dry-dock from May 21 through June 13, leaving in good repair.
DYESS left Newport on June 15, for Halifax, Nova Scotia, with her regular reserve crew aboard. She met the remainder of DESRON 28 units in Halifax, on June 16. Two days later, on the return trip to Newport, along the way going through several drills, exercises, and a gun shoot.
DYESS' next significant trip was to Port Jefferson, Long Island to share Fourth of July celebrations with local residents.
She also made several trips to Earle, New Jersey to onload and off-load ammunition and torpedoes and quarterly tender availability in both Newport and Norfolk.
All in all, 1973 was a good year for the DYESS, during the latter part of the year, DYESS attained the highest material readiness status that she had enjoyed in several years.
DYESS began the year of 1974 in her homeport, enjoying the holiday, and preparing for the upcoming Squadron participation in Operation Springboard 74. The effects of the previous fall's oil embargo were still being felt, however, and operations were rescheduled, which disappointed everyone.
January 29, DYESS departed for Norfolk, and a tend availability with the USS SHENANDOAH. During this tender period, the ship's normal crew was augmented by Surface Reserve Units, and Merchant Marine Officers. DYESS embarked for NGFS qualification at the Bloodsworth Island range.
The ship was required to complete only one exercise, a Z-40-G, since she had successfully completed all of the exercises the previous August. On the second run, DYESS qualified with a score of 87. DYESS then left Norfolk for additional training with other Squadron ships, in the waters off the Carolinas and Florida.
In keeping with the spirit of fuel conservation, CAPT. Leon C. Chevallary, an officer in tactical command for the cruise, offered a "Golden Barrel" award to be presented to the ship which practiced the best fuel conservation during the cruise. Competition was fierce, with USS FISKE winning and DYESS running a close second. Operations during the cruise included gunnery and ASW exercises and provided an opportunity to prove the "one crew - one ship" concept.
DYESS arrived in Newport on February 28 and except for a short underway weekend; a SELRES weekend in April; and having its electronic sensors tested and calibrated by the FORACS range at Fisher's Island, CN, she spent most of the next five months in port. Late in July, DYESS learned she was the recipient of a Quarterly Fuel Competition for the fourth quarter of 1974; an award by Commander, Cruiser Destroyer Force, U.S. Atlantic fleet for exercising best fuel conservation practices throughout the quarter.
On July 31, DYESS left port for a tender availability period in Newport with USS VULACAN (AR-5). On the way, DYESS and VULCAN conducted underway refueling and replenishment exercises. While in Newport, DYESS crew members participated in Destroyer Squadron 28's first annual Seamanship competition. DYESS placed first in three events and fared well enough in other to take first overall.
Returning from Newport at the conclusion of the tender period of August 23, DYESS and VULCAN once again conducted underway replenishment.
September was very busy for DYESS as she prepared for an upcoming INSURV scheduled for mid-October. In addition, DYESS provided services for Naval Underwater Systems Center, Newport by acting as a launch platform for experiments conducted September 9-12, near Cape Cod.
October was highlighted by a visit by the Board of Inspection and Survey to examine DYESS' structure and equipment. When the inspection was completed, DYESS has passed with flying colors. For a twenty-nine year old ship, with reduced manning level, the ship had been well maintained.
The month of November saw the DYESS exercising at sea briefly with other ships of the squadron and then proceeding to Norfolk for another tender availability with USS PUGET SOUND. After completing the tender availability, DYESS returned to Brooklyn for a Reserve weekend and a long awaited holiday stand-down period on December 13.
The new year of 1975 found DYESS homeported at pier "Kilo" ex-New York Naval Shipyard, in Brooklyn. The holiday period ended with Ship's Auxiliary Maintenance and Repair units (SMR) arriving for weekend duty, making minor equipment repairs. January 18-19, DYESS embarked her SELRES crew for underway training in the Narragansett Bay OP Area. The weekend included a full power run and ASW with the USS CLAGMORE, a diesel submarine.
On January 30, the ship set sail for Norfolk to embark the SELRES crew of the USS LAFFEY, which was being decommissioned. DYESS joined units of DESRON 30 for the squadron's SELRES two week ACDUTRA in the Jacksonville OP Area.
Training on the cruise included underway replenishment, a towing drill and a torpedo firing. Successful completion of an Operational Readiness exercise marked the conclusion of the operation and the ship steamed for New York.
DYESS arrived at pier "K" on February 19, and embarked her SELRES crew for an underway weekend drill which included Naval Gunfire Support exercises and a burial-at-sea ceremony. The ship was in port for the next two weeks preparing for an inspection and an upcoming tender availability. Following the SELRES "fast" cruise on March 15-16 DYESS was underway for Norfolk to commence a TAV period with the USS SHENANDOAH.
During the cruise, DYESS' crew was augmented by a portion SMR unit 6402. The ship was visited by personnel from PERA (CRUDES) who instructed the ship's force in documentation of equipment problems to be repaired during the upcoming overhaul period.
On April 12, DYESS' SELRES crew reported aboard for two weeks ACDUTRA. DYESS was on the Naval Gunfire Support range at Bloodsworth Island on April 15-16. After qualifying with a score of 72.5, the ship departed the range and set sail for the Jacksonville OP Area. The ACDUTRA period included 48 hours of ASW with the USS SILVERSIDES, underway replenishment and numerous exercises in gunnery, communications, engineering and damage control.
Soon after returning to port on April 27, plans were finalized for the DYESS' 30th Birthday on May 15. Attendance at the party included both nucleus and SELRES crews, Captain CHEVALIER, the former Prospective Squadron Commander and Mrs. Perry Smith, Col. Dyess' Daughter, her children and Col. Dyess' sister along with her family.
On July 7, DYESS was steaming towards Halifax in the company of USS M.C. FOXX, USS W. R. RUSH and USS DAMATO. A heavy fog and an engineering casualty on the FOX led to a minor collision between DYESS and FOX. There were no personnel casualties.
DYESS was back in New York on July 16, and embarked her SELRES for weekend drills while enroute to Newport for TAV with the USS GRAND CANYON. In early August, she participated in the annual DESRON 28 Seamanship Competition, in which her crew won three events and finished a close second. The TAV ended on August 23.
DYESS conducted a complete ammunition off-load on August 26-27 in preparation for the shipboard overhaul.
On September 3, the ship arrived at pier 2, Sun Shipyard and Dry-dock Company in Chester, PA. for a scheduled six month overhaul. Despite a heavy workload, several crew members were sent to schools to maintain their proficiency in key mission areas.
During the year, DYESS was awarded efficiency awards in Engineering, Supply and ASW. The year ended with DYESS still in the shipyard and eager to return to the fleet.
The new year of 1976 found the USS DYESS in the 5th month of her overhaul. During the overhaul the ship's crew accomplished a great deal of work under the Ship's Force Overhaul Management System (SFOMS) and were able to maintain their battle readiness through shipboard training and by sending personnel to various schools.
After many months of hard work away from her homeport, the ship was able to get underway for sea trial so n May 28 for two days and returned to the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard for some final work.
On June 29, she steamed back to New York, stopping in Earle, New Jersey, to onload ammunition. She returned to her homeport, pier "Kilo" ex-New York Naval Shipyard, Brooklyn on July 1, after 10 months in overhaul.
The DYESS got underway to participate as a member of Task Force 200. During this exercise she worked with large number of shis, including the USS DAMATO and USS WILLIAM R. RUSH, who, along with the DYESS, were attached to Destroyer Squadron TWENTY-EIGHT.
During the exercise, DYESS made brief stops in Norfolk, VA. And Mayport, FL. For repairs to the ship's gyro and boiler, but she was able to work in Anti-Submarine Warfare, Surface and Air Gunnery, Electronic Warfare and a number of other mission areas.
DYESS underwent a Training Readiness Evaluation prior to Refresher Training and was underway again for weekend training with the SELRES crew the afternoon of July 24.
After debarking the SELRES crew on August 23, the ship steamed to Norfolk to begin two months of intense activity. Engineering problems disrupted the ship's plans to qualify in NGFS at Bloodsworth Island in the Chesapeake Bay and the DYESS got underway for Mayport, FL. On August 30. DYESS arrived on September 2, and began a Tender Availability and concurrently completed final preparations for Refresher Training in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
After completion of the TAV, DYESS immediately set sail for Guantanamo Bay. While proceeding to GITMO, the ship's company continued to drill and arrived two days later ready to commence Selected REFTRA.
In two weeks, the DYESS received intense instruction for the Fleet Training Group Personnel and came away with a feeling of pride in their accomplishments. With a stop in Norfolk to correct some problems with the ship's boilers, the ship continued on to Brooklyn for a reunion with family and friends on October 19.
While in port, the ship completed a Human Resource Availability during the week of October 26-29.
Underway for 3 days, with a day in New London, CT., the DYESS ran the Foracs Range for alignment of electronics and instrumentation on November 8-11 and arrived back in New York in time to get underway for another SELRES weekend on the 2nd weekend of the month.
The rest of the year was spent with the ship in port for routine upkeep.
The new year of 1977 found USS DYESS in her homeport of Brooklyn at pier "Kilo", completing important repairs on various equipment and training the crew for the upcoming year's commitments. Her first days at sea were on February 19th and 20th when the DYESS Selected Reserve crew came aboard for their monthly weekend training. The SELRES crew was able to join the nucleus crew on the third weekend of each month throughout the year, whether she was in homeport or located elsewhere, and work as a team.
On February 28, DYESS started a 47 day period away from New York, and proceeded to Mayport, FL. For a Tender Availability alongside USS GRAND CANYON. The ship and crew made use of the facilities of the tender as well as Mayport Navel Station and the surrounding area until March 26, when the SELRES personnel came aboard, and the ship got underway for the annual two weeks Active Duty for Training period.
During the first week of training, the ship participated in a variety of underway exercises with other members of Destroyer Squadron TWENTY-EIGHT, including many in the areas of Gunnery, Antisubmarine Warfare, AntiAir Warfare, Electronic Warfare, Engineering and Damage Control.
Due to problems in the Engineering plant, the ship was unable to participate in the second week of ACDUTRA, and departed for Brooklyn on April 13. From April 16 through June 6, DYESS stayed in New York, except for weekend training periods. Part of this time was spent in a Restricted Availability for important tasks being performed on the ship's boilers.
DYESS was underway once again on June 6, this time for CANUS-77, a joint Canadian-British-U.S. exercise in which the crew was able to get valuable experience in working with other NATO ships and simulate wartime conditions in a multi-threat environment. Returning to New York on June 19, she was underway again for Norfolk on July 11 so that the Naval Gunfire Support Team could be trained at Little Creek Amphibious School for three days. The ship then spent July 15-18 in the Chesapeake Bay off Bloodsworth Island conducting NGFS. After DYESS steamed to Newport to provide underway training for the Naval Science Institute's students, and followed that with a three week Tender Availability alongside USS SHENANDOAH. From Newport, DYESS got underway on short notice to fill a commitment in Reforger-77 from August 17-18.
Returning to New York, the ship spent August 20-21, underway with the SELRES crew and Fleet Training Group personnel who gave the ship an Operational Readiness Examination (ORE).
During the ORE, the SELRES and nucleus crew members were able to work together as a team, and were tested in every operational area from AntiAri Warfare to Damage Control. FTG personnel rode the ship again during the weekend training period of September 17-18 and evaluated the ship with a PRE-INSURV inspection.
During the period of September 19 through November 10, DYESS remained at pier "Kilo" and spent much of the time in Restricted Availability where more work was done of the ship's boilers. DYESS was able to get underway on November 10-11, where she operated with a U.S. submarine to practice ASW tactics and then returned to port. Another RAV commenced on November 21 and continued through the holiday season and the end of the year.
USS DYESS found herself completing a restricted availability at her homeport, pier "Kilo" Ex-Naval Shipyard in early 1978. The restricted availability which had started three months earlier was designed to substantially upgrade the material condition and readiness of the engineering system. The RAV was successfully completed and DYESS got underway on January 21 in the middle of a snowstorm, to head for Charleston, South Carolina and prepare for the Naval Board of Inspection and Survey to determine her worthiness for further Naval service.
On January 23, she arrived in Charleston and began intensive preparation for her inspection by the INSURV board. Due to the able and professional assistance which was provided by USS SIERRA and Shore International Maintenance Activity, through tender and shore-based availability, and long hours of hard work, the crew of DYESS demonstrated the highest degree of professionalism and dedication.
Their reward was the announcement on February 22 by the INSURV board that DYESS was fit for further service.
From February 23 through March 16 the crew of DYESS worked to correct the few minor problems pointed out by the INSURV board and preparing for the two week annual active duty for training with the other ships of Destroyer Squadron TWO EIGHT, to which DYESS was assigned.
On March 17, DYESS joined the other ships of Destroyer Squadron TWO EIGHT.
On March 19, DYESS along with the other ships of the squadron left Mayport with their selected reservists embarked to conduct training in the Atlantic ocean. The crew of DYESS took part in the comprehensive training scheduled for the squadron; and quickly displayed proficiency in anti-submarine warfare, naval gunfire support, electronic warfare, communications, damage control, deck seamanship, and engineering.
After completion of active duty for training, DYESS proceeded alone to Norfolk, arriving on March 31 to spend the weekend before heading to Bloodsworth Island in Chesapeake Bay. Arriving off Bloodsworth Island on April 2, she immediately began qualification exercises for Naval Gunfire Support Certification. The crew's high degree of enthusiasm and teamwork enabled them to leave Bloodsworth Island on April 4 with the NGFS certification in their pocket.
DYESS spent the next two and a half months in homeport; except for monthly underway weekend reserve training in the Narragansett Operations Area, Undergoing inport maintenance and preparation for COMPTUEX 2-78 which was scheduled for June, off the Florida Coast.
DYESS left homeport June 19 and rendezvoused with the rest of the ships participating in COMPTUEX 2-78 on June 21. DYESS played a substantial role in the exercise and received many opportunities to exercise her anti-submarine warfare, gunnery, and CIC teams. DYESS also played a significant role in testing the "over the horizon" targeting capabilities of the Navy's Harpoon cruise missile.
After completion of COMPUTEX 2-78, DYESS left for Puerto Rico, arriving on July 1. She remained in that area until July 13, taking part in gunnery exercises, and then island-hopping between St. Croix, St. Thomas and Puerto Rico.
On July 17, DYESS arrived back in homeport. On the 22nd of July, DYESS held a "Dependents Cruise" up the Hudson River and around New York Bay before leaving for Newport, RI.
Arriving in Newport on July 23, DYESS spent the next five days conducting cruises for Naval Science Institute cadets. Each day, DYESS would embark approximately twenty to thirty cadets in the afternoon and proceed to sea for a twenty-two hour cruise. While on the cruise the cadets were given gunnery and anti-submarine warfare demonstrations plus a chance to view and participate in many aspects of deck seamanship such as anchoring, light-line transfers and conning the ship.
Completing the NSI cruises DYESS spend four days in Newport, before heading back to homeport for a week to head off again to Norfolk and a tender availability with the USS SIERRA. Arriving in Norfolk on August 8, the crew began preparation for another NGFS qualification at Bloodsworth Island.
DYESS left Norfolk on afternoon of August 25, arrived off Bloodsworth Island that evening and quickly completed the night illumination portion of the NGFS qualification.
The next day, DYESS completed the remaining four exercises in short order and renewed her NGFS qualification. During the qualification, DYESS only expended two rounds over the minimum number of shots allowed, a record the DYESS crew was proud of.
After a short period of inport upkeep, from August 27 until September 16, DYESS, in the company of USS MYLES C. FOX left for Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, arriving on September 19 for a three day port visit.
From September 23 until October 14, DYESS was inport working on outside reservation for the winter and correcting minor mechanical and electrical problems. Leaving homeport on October 15, DYESS arrived in Newport on October 16 to begin a three week tender availability with USS SHENANDOAH.
With the completion of tender availability, DYESS returned to homeport on November 9. On November 15, she made the short trip across the New York Harbor, to Perth Amboy, NJ to begin restricted availability with the Perth Amboy Dry Dock Company. During the restricted availability, major overhauls were performed on many pieces of electronic equipment and engineering machinery.
DYESS left Perth Amboy on December 29, and returned to pier "Kilo" to continue the restricted availability and to ring in the New Year.
1979 found DYESS in her shipboard RAV, preparing for her annual winter deployment to southern ports. All repairs were completed as scheduled on January 31.
Before departure, it was necessary to onload the ship's ammunition which was in storage at Naval Weapons Station, Earle, NJ.
It was a credit to the entire crew that over 600 rounds of five inch ammunition, ACROCs and torpedoes were onloaded without incident in less than 12 hours, including transit to and from pier Kilo.
DYESS remained inport until February 5, making final deployment preparations.
DYESS departed as scheduled and completed the four day transit to U.S. Naval Station, Roosevlt Roads, Puerto Rico without incident, arriving on February 9.
DYESS departed on February 11, following a three day port visit, to participate in READEX 1-79. During this three day amphibious exercise, DYESS conducted screening exercises, AAW and ASW exercises, and participated in multi-ship maneuvering drills. She departed the task force on February 14, en route to Mayport, FL. While in Mayport, the ship underwent a 46 day IMAV period with the destroyer tender USS YOSEMITE (AD-19). During this time, all departments conducted general maintenance and made preparations for COMPUTEX 1-79. DYESS also participated in the fifth annual COMDESRON TWO EIGHT Seamenship Competition. DYESS' sailors places first overall after taking first place in three of eight events.
On March 31, DYESS' Selected Reservists reported aboard for their annual two week ACDUTA. DYESS departed Mayport on April 2 in company with the other ships which made up the Mayport task force, en route to the Puerto Rico Operating Area to participate in COMPTUES 1-79. Along the way, the Mayport task forces was joined by the ships which made up the southbound Charleston task force.
On April 3, the combined task forces conducted pre-action calibration exercises, division tactics and junior officer shiphandling drills.
That evening, due to high salt content in the ship's feedwater, DYESS was froced to depart the formations to effect reparids to the after main condenser at Roosevelt Roads, where she remained inport until April 11. DYESS departed and proceeded independently to homeport, arriving on April 14.
DYESS remained inport until May 11. On the 12th, she embarked the SELRES personnel and proceeded to the Naval Education and Training Center, Newport, where the ship underwent and tender availability with USS YOSEMITE. In repsonse to an announcement made by the Chief of Naval Operations regarding the possible decommissioning of DYESS, officer of the Hellenic Navy inspected the material condition of DYESS on May 16 and 17, in reference to possible transfer of the ship to Greece. DYESS completed her tender availability on June 15 and departed for homeport on June 16. She remained in Brooklyn until July 21 when SELRES again embarked for an underway training weekend. She returned to homeport on July 22.
DYESS was to remain inport from July 22 through December 31, awaiting decision regarding the future status of the ship by the Congress and officials of the Navy. During this period, the ship conducted inport training and upkeep, and provided monthly training for Selected Reservists.
The year 1980 began with DYESS in her homeport, awaiting the decision regarding the future of the ship by the Congress and officials of the Navy. She remained in homeport until March conducting weekend training for Selected Reservists and making preparations for decommissioning.
On March 20, DYESS steamed to Naval Weapons Station, Earle, NJ. To off load ammunition.
Upon her return to homeport, preparations were stepped up for the forthcoming decommissioning, which at that time was scheduled for October. DYESS during this time frame, continued Selected Reservist training and conducted the annual two weeks ACDUTRA inport.
In August, the command was notified that the October decommissioning date was being postponed to a later unspecified date.
DYESS remained inport for the remainder of the year. The command was notified during the month of December, that the ship would be decommissioned on February 27, 1981. Prior to this notification, the ship's manning level had been reduced by approximately fifty percent; leaving six Officers and eighty Enlisted Men.
The final days of 1980 found DYESS in her homeport continuing to prepare for decommissioning.
After being decommissioned, DYESS history becomes somewhat sketchy. One report has her given to Greece, and she served under a Grecian Flag until scrapped.
Note: The other "eyewitness" report contends that The DYESS never sailed under any other flag other than the United States of America. The sailor behind this page, went to the DYESS in 1981 in Brooklyn, and actually saw the DYESS being "cut up" for scrap right there in the harbor. She was then reportedly sold to Greece for parts and scrap and never sailed under any other flag. |