Reunion, 2009, Norfolk, Virginia


Reunion Information!

The USS Dyess 2009 Reunion
was held at Norfolk,VA.

Williamsburg Tour
Williamsburg Tour
Williamsburg Tour
Williamsburg Tour
Williamsburg Arsenal
The Tandy's
Mac and Joe
Ken getting educated?
Governor's Mansion
Ships at Jamestown
Jamestown Complex
Battleship USS Wisconsin
Navy Fighter
USS Wisconsin Salute
USS Wisconsin Big Guns
Wisconsin Tour - Joe Peters & Company
Nearby Aircraft Carrier

Steamin Demon - USS Dyess Association

Last Wednesday Saturday (May 13-16, 2009) the association held there reunion at Norfolk,VA where we had a nice turnout. We had some first timers and new shipmates attend for the first time. Dave Sage made everyone feel at home, had great tours and a very delicious dinner. The hospitality room was a big hit where all who attended would congregate after the tours. The hotel was a very good location and treated us with pride of our service. The area had many fine restaurants for everyone whatever choice of food they wished to eat. We held an auction once again which had some very interesting items for bid. The University of North Carolina at Winston Salem also was there in which were playing Old Dominion. We spoke with them and they were very fine boys who were on a mission. The ship store did very well. We honored the shipmates who have gone before us. A Bravo-Zula goes out to Dave Sage.

At the business meeting we discussed many issues. We held election of officers, here is the new slate for 2010-11. President: Bob Barkalow, VP, Dave Sage, Sec/Treasurer, Ken Moore, Chaplin, George Scatco, Historian, Joe Peters. The following are board members, Fred Anderson, Boyd Bell, Walt Larimer, Jerry Kutcher, Glen Sweitzer and John Tandy. Our by-laws were read and had 2 changes to clarify the 2 articles. We voted on this years donations which we do every year. The next reunion site will be announced within 2 months. The new web site is now on line. Joe Peters and Ernie Pomeroy (Joe's nephew) have updated it to meet 2009 standards. The association is increasing in members and our financial status is very healthy. We voted to continue helping pay for some of the cost of the banquet meal. We also discussed reaching out to the other group which we have in the past. It seems there is some resistance from a certain few against us.

We have received correspondence that some shipmates or their spouses are not well. Let us all say a prayer for them and a fast recovery. The web site belongs to Joe Peters, any additions or corrections must go to him for approval. This is all for now and we hope to hear from you soon.

USS Dyess Association