Reunion, 1998, Houston, Texas


Reunion Information!

The USS Dyess 1998 Reunion
was held in Houston, TX


1998 Reunion attendees:

Gene Lowe Jack Bruns George Scatko
Bruce Kampe John Machin Ralph Brown
Ken Moore Oscar Hibler John Knowels
ErnieĀ  T. Pomeroy Roland Clarke Dick Stonitich
Joe Peters Dan Doerr Sherman Chappel
Paul Naughton Frank Siracusano John Strafer
Bob Eby Dan Davis Richard Whitaker
James Lewis Don Woodruff Jim Paul
John T. Piascik Jr. Sal De Piola Bob Adams
Frank Resac Fred Latour Vince Tanner
Ken Glaser Lyle Schjeldahl Valentine Tomsky
Bob Doll Howard Smith Don Paddack
Clayton Curtis
1950's Crewmembers
1960's Crewmembers

Oscar Hibler, Dyess Executive Officer

The four 'Plankowners'

Joe Peters, Ernie Pomeroy (Webmaster), & Gene Lowe

Plankowner Frank Rezac