Writings about the Dyess


A letter to Betty and Roland from Roger Gilbertson Rear Admiral, USNR (Ret.)



14 February, 1998

Dear Betty and Roland,

        Thank you for coming to my retirement and helping me celebrate 37 years of commissioned service. And the gift was beautiful - the Aricraft Carrier, the Saratoga, did much of its service to the Navy at about the same time as I did mine. It was a very thoughtful and meaningful gift for a momento-saver like me.

        Roland, thank you for inviting me to speak to the reunion of the USS Dyess. It was the kind of event I love to participate in.

        And Betty, thank you for being a good friend and colleague over the years: now over 20 - and counting (but who's counting).

                                                                Warm Regards,

                                                                Roger Gilbertson

                                                                Rear Admiral, USNR (Ret)