Many ships there are both near and far
But none stands out like that "DDR"
So trim and clean like an elegant lady
Her name the "DYESS", her number "880"
The crew stands by both day and night
To keep her trim and ready to fight
The engines humming a tune which is steady
As all of the spaces show they are ready
The bridge signals a full speed ahead
The turbines spin faster with the steam they are fed
Radarmen, Sonarmen search for a pip
While others are swabbing and painting the ship
The cooks and mess cooks get up the chow
While rough seas or smooth are cut by her bow
The captain on the bridge gives his commands
As order by order is done by all hands
Team work is the answer - if there's a job to do
As shown on the "DYESS" with her top notch crew
She pitches and rolls in the deep blue sea
Protecting America to keep her free
- Louis E. Herouart, MMFN "E" Division |