The U.S.S. DYESS (DD/DDR 880) Photo Gallery Page 2

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Taken in 1953 in the machine shop.
Denny  Denslow and Alvin Watten

Houston, TX Reunion
Back row; Frank Siracusano, unknown, Bruce Kampe
Frank Resic,Plankowner


Joel Cooper  RD3  1950-53




Joel Ben Cooper, Jr. was born and raised in Chattanooga , TN.   He passed away on August 8th, 1974 at the age of 42.  After leaving the Navy he earned a Doctorate in Educational Psychology from the University of Georgia and is survived by two sons, Joel Ben Cooper III, and Steven D. Cooper.  Growing up, both sons remember him speaking fondly of his days aboard the U.S.S. Dyess.



Joe Peters snapped this photo just after a wave crossed the boat deck soaking Al Spormann (L) and Ken Moore. What a surprise they got.

Jack Norton, RD2 Gitmo, 1951
Long Island reunion. L-R-Ken Moore,Dan Doerr
    Don Murray and John Straffer. Hosted by Sal DePiola

USS DYESS, Brooklyn, NY 
Photo submitted by John Wilks.76-77-ET1

Harry Sturgeon Memoirs 

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